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This nomination must be written under Freedom of Information guidelines. Please try and restrict your information to what is available in the public domain. Where it is necessary to include private information this must be clearly marked as such, i.e. “Information not in the public domain”.

Nominations should be submitted on the forms provided by the Secretary to the Committee (please note that a nomination not submitted in this format is difficult to assess and the nomination is thus likely to be undermined):

(a) a completed nomination form (copy attached);

(b) (i) a supporting submission on the form provided (copy attached) which contains an introductory statement setting forth the principal grounds for the distinction;
(ii) a brief chronological, narrative account of the nominee’s life and work;
(iii) an outline of the nominee’s most significant academic or other achievements;
(iv) an assessment of his/her standing on a basis of international comparison or in the life of the nation;
(v) Edinburgh connection or link (please provide evidence of what benefit has been received within the University or the City), or if none any tangible association
(vi) any other information the proposer would wish to bring to the attention of the Committee.

(c) nominations should be accompanied by details of the nominees’ published works in an Appendix.


The Honorary Degrees Committee is appointed annually by senate’s and consists of the Principal and such other members of senate’s as determined from time to time by senate’s. The duty of the Committee is to select persons to be recommended to Senate’s for the conferment of Honorary Degrees.


( 1 ) The Honorary Degrees Committee shall submit a Motion for the award of Honorary Degrees in the form of a written report which shall be made available to members of senates at least two days before the Ordinary Meeting at which it is to be presented.

( 2 ) The names of those recommended for Honorary Degrees are confidential until approved by senate’s and offers have been accepted by candidates.


( Common for Honorary Doctorate & Honorary Awards ) Nominations submitted without the following documents will be returned to the Nominator:

  • A letter from the Nominator describing reasons for nominating the Nominee, including contributions or special accomplishments of the Nominee, and any other information which the Nominator feels may be pertinent to the nomination.
  • Letters of Support (no more than three).
  • Nominee’s abridged curriculum vitae containing details such as education, field of endeavor a short description of publications (if any), specials awards, and distinguished service.
  • A short biographical summary (maximum 200 words), which will form the basis of the citation at convocation should the Nominee be chosen as an honorary degree recipient.

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